TALE TRADERS organises English language courses and sells fabrics and various products made of these fabrics. On the website you can also find short stories from around the world.
Language English
Online English Language Café

Every Wednesday Tale Traders will open its doors to the online Language Café.
Individual training

In an individual training we can work towards the goals you have set for yourself.
Incompany Training

We can compile both a tailor-made English training for an individual employee as well as for a group of employees.
Culture Fabrics

Hindelopia fabrics are inspired by the sits motif from India, designed in Hindeloopen, produced in Denmark and Korea, distributed in down and sold in Utrecht. Globalisation.

VLISCO fabrics are designed and manufactured in Helmond, the Netherlands, but are popular in West Africa.

CORK is a natural product and is harvested from the cork tree in Portugal and Spain. This flexible cork comes from Spain.